Pile & Foundation
Dynamic Load Test (PDA)
Pile Integrity Test (PIT)
Sonic Logging Test (SLT)
Pile Maintain Load Test (MLT)
Soil Testing
Soil Investigation (SI)
Mackintosh Probe Test (MPT)
Field Density Test (FDT)
Standard Proctor (SP)
Cone Penetration Test (CPT)
California Bearing Ratio (CBR)
Plate Bearing Test (PBT)
Civil Material Laboratory
Compressive Strength Test
Rebound Hammer Test
Windsor Probe Test
Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (UPV)
Steel Bar Tensile Test
Geotechnical Laboratory
Laboratory Test Instrumentation & Monitoring
Vibration Monitoring (VM)
Pneumatic Piezometer
Standpipe Piezometer
Magnetic Extensionmeter
Tilt Meter
Settlement Plate
Water & Air Monitoring
Effluent & Waste Monitoring
Monitoring for EIA
Occupational Safety and Health Monitoring |

is one of the most common method used in slope monitoring works.
Inclinometer casing with track is installed into borehole at
the required depth to path way for inclinometer probe that is used to
record and monitor subsurface lateral movement and displacement at
various depths with respect to the vertical baseline.
Displacement data that is periodically recorded were used to determine
the slope stability and counter check on deformations to ensure its
within the design limits specified by the design engineers.