The Mackintosh Probe
development was based on the principles stated by Hvorslev (1948)
for drive rods for sounding and sampling and recommended methods for
static and dynamic sounding by European Group Subcommittee (1968).
The probe consists of a cased screwed onto the lower end of the
rod. The rods are of 16mm diameter HY steel each of length 120 cm.
The rods are connected to each other by 25 mm outer diameter
couplings. These couplings provide the lateral support to the rods
so as to prevent buckling during driving. Driving is performed with
a small hammer of 5 kg in weight and falling vertically through a
fixed height of 30 cm along a guide rod. The total number of blows
required for the pointer to penetrate a distance of 30 cm is
recorded and used as a measure of the consistency of cohesive soil
and the packing of granular soil.
The relationship between
Mackintosh Probe and Safe Pressure is as follows: -
P = (2860 + 550 (R - 40)1/2)
x 0.04788 kN/m2 for blows > 40
P =
Refer Chart
for blows
< 40
= safe pressure (kN/m2)
= Mackintosh Probe Penetration resistance in blows/0.3m
For more information or site appointment,
please call us or
drop us a message here.