Geotechnical Investigations (or commonly known
as Soil Investigations in Malaysia) are
crucial in all construction projects. It is performed to obtain
information on the physical properties of soil and rock around a site
for the purpose of earthworks and foundation design of the proposed
structures. The soil investigation techniques
are also applicable for repair of distress to earthworks and
structures caused by subsurface conditions.
To obtain information about the soil conditions below the ground, some
form of subsurface exploration is required. Methods of observing the
soils below the surface, obtaining samples, and determining physical
properties of the soils and rocks include test pits, boring and in situ tests.
Test Pits can be carried out by manual hand dug with shovel or machine
excavated up to 4.5m deep for the purpose of soil sample collection and
observing soil condition. This technique is usually applicable
only for low rise developments where it does not involve deep
For deep soil boring, the most commonly used technique is Rotary Wash
Boring, where our drilling rig can bore up to 100m depth, depending on
site condition. Disturb and Undisturbed soil samples can be
collected by Split Spoon (SPT Sampler), Piston Sampler, Thin wall tube,
Mazier, etc. When a rock layer is reached, coring method can be used to
core through the rock and collect rock samples.
In situ test which were commonly carried out during soil testing
includes Standard Penetration Test (SPT), Dynamic Cone Penetration (DCP)
and Cone Penetration Test (CPT)
Besides serving construction industry, our boring machine is also
suitable for mineral exploration activity, such as iron ore, quarry,
For more information, quotation or site appointment,
please call us or drop
us a message here.
